This week's Golden Oldie Thursday theme's glitter topper. If you're following my blog, you know that I own a vast amount of glitter toppers, so choosing wasn't too easy :-)

My choice fell to CrowsToes Gomez, a typical CrowsToes glitter bomb filled with blue, silver, gold, purple and black hexes (plus some black bars, that are almost invisible over the dark base).
As base color I used Essie Midnight Cami. Gomez dries quite gritty, due to the huge amount of glitters, so I added one coat of Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food and one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top for a smooth finish. If you take a look at my blog header, you can see Gomez right in the middle of the picture, I owned it since before I started blogging, a real golden oldie :-)
Crows Toes polishes are available at Llarowe and Overall Beauty.
More glitter toppers below