A couple of weeks ago, the Czech glassware company Mont Bleu offered me some of their products to review. Since I've heard a lot of good things about their products, I happily accepted. Thank you Mont Bleu for offering me these items!
The package I recieved contained several items. The most fancy one surely is this set of three glass nail files decorated with Swarovski crystals. The files measure 19.5, 13.5 and 9 cm. How cute is the little one?! The surface feels quite smooth, but they work perfectly well for filing your nails. The great thing about glass nail files is, that you can simply wash them with water and use them over and over again. Unlike the usual cardboard nail files, glass nail files don't wear down. Since the files are made of real glass, you shouldn't throw them around or sit on them, as they might break.
The set with three files is available here for 14 Euros

The second item I recieved is this foot scraper file. One side of it is rather smooth and feels much like the nail files, the other one is much rougher. I used the scraper file after a long shower (you should always soften the skin on your feet with hot water before treating your callus, so take a shower or a bath before grating) and I thought at first, it didn't really work. I have rather soft skin on my feet, so not much callus (but a lot of blisters in summer with open shoes...). But when I went to bed and rubbed my feet together, I realised my heels felt much softer than before. So I'm absolutely happy with the scraper file, too. (Although I was a little scared about dropping it on my tiled bathroom floor...)
The foot scraper file is available here for 16 Euros

The last item is a glass cuticle pusher. I usualy use a metal cuticle pusher, but this glass one looks much better, I have to admit. One side is pointed and the other side is formed like a horses hoof, just like cuticle pushers usually are. Pushing back my cuticles with some cutile remover worked just as it should.
You can get the cuticle pusher here for 5.49 Euros

I recieved all the items in blue or purple, since I told Mont Bleu these were my favorite colors. But there are lots of other colors to choose from. There are no sharp edges on them (the points are a little sharp, but not overly), so as long as you don't break the items, you don't have to fear cuts or anything. You can clean all the items with soap and hot water, they're very hygienic to use.
So overall, I'm absolutely happy with my new Czech glass mani and pedi helpers and can absolutely recommend all of them.
Click here to visit the Mont Bleu Shop and discover many more items.
Here you can find their wholesale website, if you like to partner with Mont Bleu
If you prefer buying through Amazon, here's the Mont Bleu Amazon shop.
Again, thank you so much for the generous offer, Mont Bleu!
And because it fits the company, here's my one of my favorite pictures I took during my stay in Prague, the Czech capital, two years ago :-)
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