Yo-ho Yo-ho, A Pirate's Life For Me! That's not me singing, but the name of this polish by Dollish Polish.

"Drink up me 'earties, yo-ho! Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me! Inspired by both the movie and the Disney ride, Pirates Of The Carribean, this Rum Red jelly is chock full of multi-sized hexagon glitters in Gold, Silver, Navy, and Maroon making one beautiful polish worth digging in yer bootie mates!"
(Source: Dollish Dolish shop)

I had no application issues with this one, and it dried rather fast. I finished with one coat of Essie Good to Go.
Dollish Polish are available at their store, at Llarowe and at Overall Beauty.
I really like this one.
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ReplyDeleteLG Petra
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