
Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Box, Indied - The Mellower Season

The next polish of the september "A Box, Indied" I want to show you is Contrary Polish The Mellower Season.

The Mellower Season has a dusky purple jelly base filled with copper shimmer. I used three coats for opacity.

For the stamped leaves I used Catrice Metalight (Metallure Limited Edition) and MoYou Landscape Collection Plate 03. One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top secured the stamping.

Contrary Polish are available at Llarowe, Femme Fatale, Mei Mei's SignaturesNorway Nails and Rainbow Connection (UK only). The Mellower Season is exclusive to the september "A Box, Indied". The box with five indie polishes is available at Llarowe as a one month only box or as subscription (50$ per box).


  1. Oooh very pretty, two thumbs up :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Vielen Dank, ich wollte etwas Herbst-typisches, da lande ich zwangsläufig immer bei Blättern :-)

  3. Such a beautiful pairing of shades :)

    1. I'm glad you like my combo <3
      Every time I wear a polish with copper glitter or shimmer, it's just like I absolutely HAVE to pair it with a rose gold metallic polish :-)


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