
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Box, Indied - Autumn-atic

Today I want to show you the next polish of the september "A Box, Indied": Jindie Nails Autumn-atic.


Autumn-atic has a milky grey jelly base with hexes in soft pink, white and three shades of blue, light blue dots and some holographic microglitter. I used three coats for the pictures and finished with one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top.

Jindie Nails polishes are available on Etsy and at Llarowe. Autumn-catic  is exclusive to the september "A Box, Indied". The box with five products is available at Llarowe as a one month only box or as subscription (50$ per box).


  1. I love that it's subtle and fun at the same time :-)

    1. totally agree! This one´s very special. :)

    2. Thanks to both of you <3
      The holo glitters made it quite sparkly in the right light :-)

  2. Das ist ein sehr besonderer Lack. Erinnert mich an so Sprühputz, den es immer in öffentlichen Gebäuden gibt. Schick!

    1. Ich glaub ich weiss, welchen Putz du meinst, und ich stimme dir zu :-)


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