
Friday, May 10, 2019

Gold Rock

Something more colorful for today.

As base I used three coats of Essie School Of Hard Rock, a teal creme with grey undertones. I was so sure I had already shown this one, so I didn't take a swatch picture. But I found out I only used it in a nail art post where you can't really see it on it's own...

On the base I dabbed one coat of Lumina Lacquer Gold Dust Woman, a clear based glitter topper with teal and gold glitters, hexes, squares, dots, stars and half moons. For a smoother finish, I added one coar of KBShimmer Clearly On Top.

I usually pair my polishes in the same color family, as I did here, but honestly, I somewhat regret not wearing the topper over black or a really dark blue. I'm sure it must look fabulous over a dark base that makes the colors really pop. But then, I can always wear it again, over a different base, can't I? ;-)

I seem to have bought this polish back in 2013, oops. Lumina Lacquer are no longer produced, but maybe you can find some bottles in a blog sale or something...

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