
Monday, May 14, 2018

Frisch Lackiert Challenge: Half Moon

Half moon is this week's prompt for the Frisch Lackiert Challenge.

I started with one coat of MoYou London Purple Mouse, a muted medium purple creme. The polish wasn't completely opaque after only one coat but since I was going to add another polish over it, I didn't mind the slightly visible nail line. For the half moon effect, I used something out of the stationery departement, that I just couldn't find an english word for it. In german, it's called Lochverstärkungsring. They are little round stickers with a hole in it, and you use them for papers that are filed in a folder, so the paper doesn't tear. Is it a german and swiss thing only? Wikipedia only knows this one in german and esperanto. Well, anyway, I put those little round stickers on my nail base and painted a generous coat of Flormar 14 over it (don't you just love these imaginative names?! I mean, "14", what a genious name...). Flormar 14 is a dark purple with lots of course shimmer in it. As finishing step, I added one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top (after removing the stickers, obviously). 

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