
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lacke in Farbe und bunt - bordeaux

Lacke in Farbe und bunt is a weekly nail polish challenge by Lenas Sofa and Das Jahreszeitenhaus. Each week they have a new color scheme, and this week's color is bordeaux.

The polish I chose is Joy To The World from an old Christmas Edition by Essence, with a bordeaux creme base and a gold glitter topper. I used two coats of the base color for opacity.

I dabbed the glitter topper on the nails using a make up sponge to create a gradient at my cutiles. The smaller glitter turned somewhat copper, that's due to the base color that partly got soaked up by the sponge. One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top finished this mani.


  1. Looks elegant because of the glitter topper.

    1. Thank you Andrea, that's exactly the look I was aiming for :-)


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