
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pahlish March 2016 Duo - Merlin's Song

Today I want to show you the march 2016 monthly polish duo by Pahlish.

The base color is called Loftiest Muse, and it's described by Pahlish as "Minty Tiffany blue creme". It was a little bitchy to apply, though. Like lots of pastel polishes, this one applied quite streaky, as you can see on my ring finger. I used three coats for the picture.

The glitter topper is Wild Air: a Clear topper of aqua and mint glitter with green shimmer and silver metallic flakes (Source: Pahlish). One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top provided a smooth and glossy finish.

Pahlish polishes are available on Bigcartel and at Overall Beauty.


  1. Very nice combination and I especially like the gold foils in the topper!

  2. As a fan of green I obviously approve of this nail art ;-)


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