
Friday, April 15, 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas: Pink & Lilac / Skittles

Pink and lilac are this week's challenge colors and my personal pattern prompt is skittles.

Since skittles just means polishing every nail differently, I went with a simple sponged gradient, turning the sponge 90° for each nail. The lilac polish is Kiko Mirror Lacquer 621 (Violet), the pink is L'OrĂ©al Chrome Shine 347 (I guess this one is older than some of my readers, I bought it in the last Millenium... But it still works, as you can see). As usual, one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top gave some extra shine.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Nati! I think I finally have a second nail art technique (next to stamping) I'm getting good at :-)

    2. so pretty I've not seen chrome polish from L'Oreal before. Do they still sell them? Xx

    3. As far as I know they only sold them for a couple of months, back in the '90s. I've never seen them since...


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