
Monday, July 6, 2015

Gods & Monsters

Today I want to show you a polish by a new-to-me brand: Indigo Bananas (I know, I must be the second to last person to try this brand...)

The polish I'm showing you today is called Gods & Monsters, and is a color shifting jelly with flakie glitters. It changes the color from red over orange and yellow to green. I used three coats and finished with one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top.


Indigo Bananas polishes are available at their own shop, on Etsy, Edgy Polish, Femme Fatale, Polishnail, Rainbow Connection and Mei Mei's Signatures, where I bought mine.


  1. es sieht so wunderschön aus *_* muss auch mal wieder solche Flakies lackieren

    1. Ich denke mir aich jedes Mal wenn ich Flakies trage, dass ich das öfters tun sollte ;-)

  2. :-O Woaaaaaah, it's gorgeous :-O

  3. This is one of the best IB's! Looks great on you, and you captured the shift so nicely!

    1. Thank you Cait! I love your pictures so much, so a compliment from you about my shots are worth a lot :-)


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