
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Box, Indied - Ships Ahoi

The fifth and last polish of the june "A Box, Indied" is Different Dimension Ships Ahoi.

Ships Ahoi is a cerulean blue holo polish with small golden holo hexes and golden flakie shimmer. I used three coats for opacity. For the stamping I used Barry M. Gold Foil and Bundle Monster plate BM-220. One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top provided a glossy finish.


Different Dimension polishes can be found on Etsy, at Mei Mei's Signatures or at Llarowe. Ships Ahoi is exclusive to the june "A Box, Indied". The box with five polishes is available at Llarowe as a one month only box or as subscription (50$ per box).


  1. The flakie shimmer makes this blue a gorgeous one in my opinion. I like that you stamped the stars just on the base of the nails. Fantastic mani!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I didn't want to hide too much of this gorgeous base color, so the little pattern seemed just right :-)

  2. this is such a gorgeous shade of blue! the gold stamping makes it a perfect combo :)

    1. Thank you so muuch, Nati! With the gold flakies in the base, a gold stamping just jumped on me ;-)

  3. Oooooh what a nice little stamping detail!

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa! I was browsing through my stamping plates endlessly, until I could choose a pattern ;-)


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