
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

52 Week Challenge - Plaid / Red, Orange and Green

This week's challenge themes are plaid and red/orange/green. As you probably know, I'm not an "orange gal", so I just skipped the orange part. Here's my red and green plaid mani.

The red polish I used is Essence Magic Red Carped, the green one's (I know it looks silver, but it really is green, as you can see in the bottle shot) Catrice Forevergreen (Arts Collection Limited Edition). The stamping plate I used is DRK plate DRK-D (I've been using this one a lot, lately). One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top finished this mani.


  1. Looks great! I bet you got a lot of compliments wearing this one.

    1. Thank you <3
      Actually, I get hardly any comments on my manis. Only my boyfriend compliments them regularly, but as we see each other only on weekends, he didn't see this one...


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