
Monday, February 9, 2015

With Arms Outstretched - Pahlish September Duo

Today I want to show you another one of Pahlish's monthly duos, this time the one from last september called With Arms Outstretched.

The base color is called Sixteen Miles and is a cool toned taupe creme with copper flakie shimmer. The pictures show three thin coats.

The glitter topper's name is Promised Land and has green, gold, copper and matte brown glitters in hex, dot and square form in a clear base. I used it as a glitter gradient and finished with one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top.

 Pahlish polishes are available on Bigcartel, at Overall Beauty and at Llarowe. I bought mine at the Bigcartel shop. The monthly duos are only available for one month, and every month there's a new one.


  1. Very chic polish combination. Love the green glitter particles!


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