
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Mani

Happy holidays to all of you!

For my Christmas mani, I chose, as I do every year, a red/green/gold combo. The polishes I used for this ruffian mani are Barry M Gold Foil (gold metallic), Pahlish An Caisteal Ruadh (deep red with red and gold flakie shimmer) and Pahlish La Royale (deep fir green with green and gold microglitter), two coats each. One coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top marked the finishing point.

 Pahlish polishes are available on Bigcartel, at Overall Beauty and at Llarowe. I bought mine at the Bigcartel shop.


  1. I love it! Happy holidays :-)

    1. Thank you Melissa <3
      I hope you can enjoy the holidays with your family :-)


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