
Monday, April 7, 2014

Skyscraper Set In Stones

Today's mani was chosen by my boyfriend.

My base color is China Glaze Skyscraper, a blue jelly base filled with small silver glitters. I used three thin coats for opacity.

Then I used Essie Set In Stones (Luxe Effects Collection), a clear base with silver hexes in two sizes, to add a glitter gradient. One coat of Essence Better Than Gel Nails topcoat finished this mani.


  1. Gorgeous mani, your boyfriend has great taste :)

  2. Beautiful!!! Aaargh Skyscraper still sits in my untrieds - a shame when I look at its beauty ;-P! The silver glitter gives some true Skyscraper glamour to it - awesome!!!

    1. Thank you hon! It was sitting in my untrieds for over a year, so don't feel too bad if you haven't had the time to wear it yet. We need more hands! ;-)

  3. This is gorgeous! Love the combo, and it feels very "you" :)

    1. Thank you so much, blue and glitter always feels "me" ;-)

  4. Ich kriege das leider nicht so schön hin,Glitzerlack am unteren Nagelrand aufzutragen :(

    1. Pst, nicht weitersagen ;-)
      Ich nehme nach meiner normalen "Putzroutine" mit Pinsel und Aceton bei Glitzerlacken noch ein Rosenholzstäbchen, um allfällige Glitzerpartikel wegzukratzen (beim Daumen habe ich es offenbar vergessen)


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