
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Jessica's Crackle Nails

Happy Easter! For today's Easter Sunday, I have a new guest post for you: My best friend Jessica has a new mani she wants to show you.

Hi there it's Jessica

I know it's quite some time since Aglaya posted my first mani here, but i had a lot of issues with my nails during winter - they broke and had fissures.

But now let's begin!

My father brought me some polish from Teneriffe for my Birthday in December. I already used this one on a normal white base but didn't make any photos. but since i liked it really I decided to do it again and shoot some pics this time around.

I started with two middle coats of Essence Sparkling water lily. Sorry forgot the Pic!

Then I added a thin coat of No 17 from Yes Love Crackle Effect. You have to work real fast, because it starts almost immediately to dry and crackle. If you happen to brush over the same section twice it destroys the effect and draws just lines - I think you see it best on my middle finger...


  1. I hate to say it but I don't like the crackle nail effect :-( To me it just looks messy.

    1. Luckily enough, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion and taste. Imagine a world, where veryone would like the same, it would be tremendously boring ;-)

  2. Yes it is really messy and wouldn't be my thing for every day - but from time to time I like it 😄


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