
Monday, March 3, 2014

Bad Wolf

Of course I had to order the Pahlish Doctor Who collection, as soon as I learned about it, as a Whovian, nail polish addict and Pahlish fan, there was no way around it. So today I have the first of these polishes to show you: Bad Wolf

Bad Wolf has a slightly grey leaning light taupe base with a very prominent pink shimmer (I know, it looks gold in some of my pictures, but it really isn't). Shannon (Mrs. Pahlish herself) calls the shimmer "reddish violet", but considering that pink is called "rose" in french ("rosa" in german) and the polish is named after Rose Tyler, one of the Doctor's companions, pink is in my eyes a much better description :-) I used three thin coats for opacity and had no issues with application.

On my ring finger I added three small black round studs from Born Pretty Store in a triangle shape. The studs somehow reminded me of the face of a teddybear with eyes and a nose, or of an Ewok :-)
One coat of Rica Glossy Glam held the studs where they belonged.

Pahlish polishes are available on Bigcartel , at Overall Beauty and at Llarowe.


  1. Bad Wolf looks beautiful on you - and Ohhhh an Ewok - how cute, and for once I know to what you are referring to YAYYY! Bad Wolf is one of the two polishes from that collection I did not pick-up but I got a Mystery Polish from Pahlish that looks like a test version of this so I skipped it - guete Start nach Dine Ferie xxx

    1. Yay, you know Ewoks, so you're not completely Sci-Fi unaware :-)

      Dr erst Tag nach de Ferie isch überstange, morn hani frei gno, da isch Fasnacht vor mim Bürofänster, das bruchi nid...

  2. Der goldene Schimmer ist total schön :)

    1. Der Schimmer gefällt mir auch sehr gut, er macht den Lack sehr "speziell" (mir fällt gerade kein besserer Begriff dafür ein) :-)

  3. This is so simple, yet so pretty and elegant.


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