
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

She Walks In Discreet Beauty

For today I have a work wear mani to show you.

I started with Catrice Discreet (Thrilling Me Softly Limited Edition), a slightly pink toned beige creme. Nothing really special with this polish, just one of these neutrals that can be combined with almost everything. I used two medium coats for opacity and had no isses with application.

Then I used a England She Walks In Beauty to create a glitter gradient.

She Walks In Beauty has a sheer gold foil base filled with rose gold hexes in various sizes. Again, no issues with application (I don't think I ever had issues with a England polishes, their formual usually is just great). One coat of Rica Glossy Glam topcoat provided a smooth and shiny finish.

a England polishes are available at various places, you'll find a complete list of retailers here.


  1. Very elegant and classy!!! Of course I have this A England as well and nope, not in my untrieds ;-). And I meant to ask you for a while now: where do you get the Rica top Coat from?

    1. Thank you so much, Christine! I've got my Rica from Harlow & Co for 10$. You'll find it with the product search when you enter "topcoat" in the right hand drop down menu.

  2. It's interesting that you put the glitter at the base of your nails, usually it's done at the tips. I think it's a nice twist!

    1. I'm glad you like it, Melissa! You're right, most nail bloggers start at the tips with their glitter gradients, but then, most nail bloggers have square nails, and I think with rounded nails like mine, starting at the cuticles looks better (personal opinion, of course).

  3. Oh my gosh, She Walks In Beauty is going straight to my wishlist! This is really stunning!

    1. Thank you so much! You'll defiitely love this one, I'm sure :-)

  4. Hah, I love your title! This is so beautiful, I love the tone-on-tone with a little sparkle twist, brb stealing this idea ;) Really nice work with the gradient!

  5. She Walks in Beauty ist so hübsch. Ich hab mir zwei ähnliche Lacke gekauft (Glitz & Glam von Essence und Hors d'hoeuvres von Essie), weil ich den Effekt so mag.

    1. Die beiden Lacke die du hast kenne ich nur von Fotos, aber ich bin sicher, du hast da eine gute Wahl getroffen :-)


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