
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Top 13 polishes of 2013

For new year's eve I decided not to show you a new mani, but to take a look back and show you my top 13 polishes this year (yes, I admit it, I actually planned to show you my top 10, but I couldn't narrow them down to just 10 polishes. 13 polishes for 2013 is ok too, isn't it?). So here are my 13 favorite polishes that were released this year, and that I've already worn. There are a lot of gorgeous 2013 polishes with my untrieds, but they sadly won't appear here. I linked every polish with the original post, where you can find the links to the respective online shops ;-)

So here's my list, in no particular order:

The Polish Well Let Me Go!

Dollish Polish Welcome To Camp Crystal Lake

Emily de Molly Cosmic Forces and Oceanic Forces
(I count these two polishes as one, as they're basically the same polish in a different color)

Crows Toes Tiki Torch

P2 Strict

Different Dimension It RubsThe Lotion On It's Skin

Dior Destin

ILNP Birefringence

Ethereal Lacquer Devoured 

Cadillacquer Night Clouds

A Study In Polish Consulting Detective

Picture Polish Ocean

 KBShimmer I Got A Crush On Blue

What do you think of my favourites list? Which ones are your favorite polishes in 2013?


  1. E tolli Zämestellig, und e gueti Idee mit dene 13 - das heisst nächst Johr 14 ;-)! Jede vo Dine Kandidate isch wunderschön und ich chönnt kein Favorit nenne!!!! En schöne Sylvester und en guete Rutsch!!!! xxx

    1. Zum Glück wirdi 2101 höchstwahrschinlech nüm läbe, nume ei Lack ussueche wr unmöglech ;-)

    2. Dir wünschi natürlech o es guets Neus. Mi Silvester isch chli angers usecho as planet, ha aui Verabredige müesse absäge, bi sit Wiehnachte chräftig d Pharma-Industrie am ungerstütze, aber s chunnt guet ;-)

  2. We share the same taste in colour, so I pretty much love all of them!

    1. Now you now why I couldn't limit myself to 10, like I initially planned ;-)

  3. Amazing picks! It's hard to pick one favorite from these 13 but I think it would have to be Tiki Torch for me :-) Have a happy new year!

    1. I really do love Tiki Torch, even if it's the most "un-typically me" color of the bunch ;-)

    2. And of course a happy new year to you, too! I'm home sick since Christmas, so it can only get better ;-)

  4. There's a lot of gorgeous manis in this post. Great choices!

    1. Thank you, Melissa, chosing was sooo hard :-)

  5. Mein Liebling davon ist Tiki Torch *_*

    1. Der scheint sehr beliebt zu sein, du bist da nicht die Einzige :-)

  6. I was totally blown away by Oceanic Forces (have Cosmic Forces too, but it's still an untried). And I really liked It Rubs the Lotion on Its Skin- surprised it didn't seem to get a lot of love.

    1. Our taste seems to be similar :-)
      Sometimes it's hard to understand why certain polishes do or don't sell...


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