
Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Chocolate Of Michael Myers

Happy Halloween! Halloween isn't really celebrated in Switzerland, but as I live and work in a catholic region, I've got the day off tomorrow, so I'll probably watch some horror movies tonight :-)

Today's mani doesn't look specificaly Halloween-y, but I did use a Halloween polish for it.

As base color I used Kiko Pearly Chocolate Noir, a dark chocolate brown polish with an orange shimmer. Application was easy, I used two medium coats for opacity.

On top of Pearly Chocolate Noir, I dabbed one coat of Dollish Polish The Curse Of Michael Myers (Halloween Frights 2013 Collection), a clear base with yellow, orange, red, holographic and iridiscent glitters, that look blue and green in my pictures. Most of the glitters are hexes, but there are also some squares and circles. The glitters that look like tiny snowflakes are the holographic ones, I sadly couldn't capture the holo effect in my lightbox.

The Curse Of Michael Myers is, of course, named after the movie "Halloween" and it's sequels. It was easy to applicate, the glitters spread nicely. I finished this mani with one coat of Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food and one coat of KBShimmer Clearly On Top topcoat.

Dollish Polish are available at their store, at Llarowe and at Overall Beauty.


  1. Sieht wirklich sehr Halloween-mäßig aus. Erinnert mich total an diese kleinen Kürbiseimer, die es gibt, in denen Schokolade ist :D

    1. Kürbiseimer mit Schokolade? Die kenn ich gar nicht, die scheint es bei uns in der Schweiz wohl nicht zu geben ;-)

  2. Great combo for halloween! but also for Fall in general I like this glitter pad to the brown base :)

    1. I love brown/orange/red/yellow combos during fall (as you probably already noticed the last few weeks) ;-)

  3. Oh wow, I love those colors together, great autumn palette!

    1. I'm glad you like it as much as I do, Melissa :-)

  4. Oh what a beautiful combination!!!!! And the Kiko certainly also looks nice on its own!!! I hope you got decently scared of your movies :-D!!! I have no official day off, still I Happen to have a day of vacation, I will use it to get my car into winter mode ;-) Enjoy the day xxx

    1. Honestly, I've seen the Halloween movies to mani times to get really scared by them. But it was probably better I didn't, at least I slept very well this night ;-)


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