
Friday, April 19, 2013

The Dark... Whatever

Another swiss indie polish (yay) today: Cadillacquer The Dark... Whatever.

My base color is Catrice So Suit! (feMale Limited Edition), a medium grey creme that dries to a semi-matte, satin-y finish. I used two coats for complete opacity.

Then I added two coats of Cadillacquer The Dark... Whatever, " a sheer blue/grey base with small black, small iridescent and bigger blue hex glitter."
(Source: Cadillacquer)

The blue glitters look curled, even in the bottle, but it's only reflective curling (this means, they look curled, but don't feel curled). Madeleine, the creator of Cadillaquer, mentions in her description this might happen, so I wasn't surprised. And as I couldn't feel any curling, I didn't mind. Application was good, the glitters spread nice and easily. I finished with one coat of Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter Food and one coat of Cult Nails Wicked Fast.

Cadillacquer polishes are available on Etsy.


  1. So squishy and beautiful - hey, I never considered a grey squishy before, normally this is reserved for sorbet colors, but totally apt for this one. You wrote another Swiss Indie - I wonder, what other Indie is from Switzerland - you might guess that I am more than interested in trying Swiss (YAY) Indie polishes :-)

    1. As far as I know, there's just one swiss indie brand (at least at the moment). What I meant was another bottle of swiss indie polish ;-)

  2. Der gefällt mir echt gut!! :)
    Die gezeigte Kombination passt sicher auch gut zu Catrice "I´m dynamite", den ich sonst eher schwer vermittelbar finde (da sind ja auch so gekrümmt aussehende Glitterpartikel drin).

    1. Den I'm Dynamite habe ich nicht, aber nach den Swatches, die ich gesehen habe, würden die beiden sicher gut zusammenpassen.

  3. This is really pretty! I hope this brand is eventually sold on Llarowe, since the shipping is kind of expensive through Etsy.

    1. I'm pretty sure I've read a couple of days ago they'll be available through Llarowe soon. So if I'm not totally mistaken, you'll be able to buy them in the US soon.

    2. I've just seen it won't be Llarowe but Harlow&Co. That's even better, free worldwide shipping for orders over 50$ :-)

  4. Wow, der ist unheimlich schön!!!


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