
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Silent Night

Today I have another blue mani to show you: Happy Hands Silent Night.

Silent Night is " A deep blue jelly with turquoise glitter & shimmer"
(Source: Happy Hands Etsy shop)

I think there are some blue glitters, too, but it's hard to tell if they're really blue or if it is just a layer of the blue jelly that make them appear blue. Silent Night is pretty sheer, I used four coats and is was still slightly translucent. If you mind a visible nail line, I'd suggest to layer Silent Night over a similar colored creme.

I had no issues applying it, but some issues breathing while applying. Kristi, the creator, warns about the "strong smell" of this polish. Well, strong smell wouldn't be the words I'd use. Stinks like hell is more accurate, I'd say. And it still stinks after it's dried. I can live with it, but if you have a sensitive nose or are prone to headaches, maybe Silent Night isn't the right polish for you. 

Silent Night and other Happy Hands polishes are available on Etsy and at Harlow & Co.


  1. What an awesome polish!!! It suits you wonderfully :-)!!! I also got some Happy Hands but they still sit in my stash of untrieds - I wonder what their "scent" will be like ;-)

    1. Thank you! Not all of the Happy Hands polishes stink, but this one (and Feliz Navidad) does...

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! And I'd say it's not too Christmas-y, so you can wear it all year round.


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